Wednesday, July 20, 2011

First Cry, then vote...then make a card!

Today's post has a few chapters...short, unrelated "chapters", but "chapters" nonetheless. So, buckle in and hang out with me for a bit!

Chapter 1:
Another Ugly Cry

Thank you, Thank You, Thank you times eleventeen bajillion! Thank you for all the sweet, cute, witty, sentimental, heartfelt and hilarious messages you left on yesterday's post. It's a bit odd to read comments from people you haven't met, yet still know how sincere their messages are. I read each comment and worked myself into yet another ugly cry! I've gotta get these out of my system before the wedding!!!

Truth of the matter is that Andrew is the greatest guy in the whole entire world and somehow he manages to put up with me and my many imperfections. I'm blessed.

I don't have many sappy moments here at Damask Love, because I'm not much for sap. But, I'll just take this chance to embrace it and thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your kindness. Your comments added so much to my day!

Chapter 2:
Vote or Die

Secondly - (and you knew this was coming) - there are only two more days to cast your vote in the Gallery Idol competition. The entries are fantastic and I would love nothing more than to keep playing along in this whirlwind contest!

Now, a while back  P. Diddy (or whatever he's calling himself these days) had a Vote or Die campaign. We all know that's probably a little harsh, but you should still probably go vote. Better safe than sorry, right?

Click HERE to cast your vote and I'll stay busy keeping my fingers crossed!

Chapter 3:
Search for the Perfect Shoe

So, I thought I'd found "the shoes" - you know - the shoes that I'll wear on "the day" with "the dress." But, alas, indecision has set in. There are so many choices and I really want something that's my style! I know I want a bright color, something a little unexpected, something reminiscent of markers.

But...there's no need to stress about it. Instead how about making a card about it? I made this card a while ago, which I think perfectly conveys my current attitude toward bridal footwear...

Sadly, I don't think there's room in the budget for me to purchase a rainbow of wedding footwear.  I suppose I'll just have to make a decision...eventually!

That's all for today....but come back tomorrow when I'll share some of my CHA experiences!! I'm having a blast here and can't wait to go back tomorrow for more inspiration!

Thanks for stopping by for some Damask Love! Have a great day!!!


  1. Can never go wrong with a rainbow and a rainbow of shoes is a little piece of heaven!

  2. Haha! I love that sentiment! I love this card too! So happy for you Amber, such a fabulous journey!

  3. A huge congratulations to you on becoming engaged!!! Sounds like you have a wonderfully sweet guy!! Best of luck in all the wedding prep!!!!

  4. 1. I, too, am an ugly cry-er. Nose gets red, upper lip gets all puffy, eyes swell shut. Ug.Ly. Nay...fugly. I am a fugly crier.

    2. LOL, when you said "Vote or Die" I was thinking you were funny for making a play on the fact that it was DIE CUTS. :)

    3. I have a friend in northwest AR who is on Plaid's design team (we went to HS together). She *paints* on peeps wedding shoes for them. LMK if you want me to put you in touch with her. :) My vote, red. You can never go wrong with red FMPs. Just sayin.

  5. Love the card! But...I do need to beg to differ on one point. You are a total sap. Accept it. :)

  6. Oh well you can dream through your card which is fabulous by the way :)
    I'm sure you'll know when you find the right shoes.
    Jenny x

  7. Perhaps if your shoes either match or complement the bridesmaids?? Do you know what colors you're going to have for the wedding yet?

  8. I think you should just get rainbow shoes that way you don't have to choose. ;) Love the card.

  9. :( I voted for you and everything!!!

    I can tell you that even though you didn't make it through round 2 (and you should have!!), you are one super talented lady, and there are greater things to come your way, I am sure of it.

    And there's always next year!
