Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Big News...and some crafting too!

Hi Damask Lovers!!

Now, before you're allowed to read this post, you have to take a trip over to the Gallery Idol page and place your vote...and you get extra points if you vote for me!!! (Just kiddin' ya - but you really should head over and vote for your fave!)

Click HERE to go register and vote!!

Now on to today's post!

I think I'm a cardstock clairvoyant. A scissor-crafting psychic, maybe. Why?

Well, last Friday, when I found out that I'd be in the Paper Crafts Magazine Gallery Idol Top 15 (YAY--have you voted yet?!) I brainstormed ideas for creative die cuts. Among the cards that I sketched and eventually created on Sunday evening was this card...

I just thought it would be fun to use all of the PTI Wonderful Words dies on one card, so I came up with this sentiment on a simple white card base. I figured this card would be perfect for a husband or fiance.

Then...the very next day...

Andrew took me down to the pool deck and showed me a 6 minute video he made for me. It showed pictures and videos of us and he even recited a poem that he wrote just for moi! I cried through the whole thing...and it was an ugly cry too. Not the "cute-single-tear-down-the-face" cry. The "scrunched-up-face-nose-running-I-might-start-hypervenilating" cry

Then, he gave me this beautiful handcrafted box (no he didn't make it, although I did ask!)

Inside the box was this....

And inside that little guy's hand was this...

and the cutest part is that this little figurine was dressed up just like my Andrew...right down to the red flower lapel pin!

So, you see, I suppose I'm a little psychic right? Why else would I have made this card....

and this card...

and THIS card???? 
(well, maybe this one is getting a little ahead of ourselves!)

So that's the big, exciting news!!! We're engaged and couldn't be happier or more excited to be on the road to marriage. We haven't set a date, and we don't have a venue, but you might be interested to know that I do have the dress, the veil and the shoes!! That's gotta be a record right?  I only tried on one dress...and that's al I needed to do!!!

Thanks for stopping by for some Damask Love...now I'm off to CHA!!! YAY!!!

OH, and before I go...here's a quick shameless plug for the happy couple....isn't he so cute?!

Adios amigos!


  1. 1. Great card. Love the sentiment.

    2. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Wow! How exciting! Can't wait to see the invitations you design! ;)

  2. LOVE this post Amber! CONGRATULATIONS!!! Seriously, I loved getting engaged, it was so exciting and fun! Happy for your dress success and oh my word that box with the wood figurine was genious! Great mind's think alike apparently!

  3. YAY!!!!! Oh Amber, that's SO exciting. And is he just the cutest or what? A video and a little box and everything?? Awesome!!

    You clearly knew something was up when you put all those cards together like that.... *wink*


    And I am glad I am not the only one who jumps ahead of things - we had our whole wedding planned (no, literally) and THEN we got engaged.

    Nice card, too! I love how you used all those dies together.

    What does a wedding dressed like markers look like??

  4. Big congratulations are in order, Amber! I hope you two have a blast planning your special day.

  5. I am SO happy for you. It makes me smile just thinking about being engaged and all that comes with it. LOVE the card. It's just perfect how you used all of the sentiments...just perfect!

  6. Congratulations, Amber!! Hey, maybe I am psychic, too, I posted a "Best Wishes" card today ;)

  7. Congratulations!!! Amber. Love the handcrafted box your fiance presented. The idea is so you. I wondered when I read the posts of engagement ring cards:) So happy for you. I remembered from one post awhile ago that he encourged you participanting Stamping royalty or something. He is a supportive guy.

  8. CONGRATULATIONS!!! What exciting news for you!

  9. Wow Congrats to you Amber!!! Sounds like you have a great guy there with his creativity and thoughtfulness.....a proposal that you'll remember forever. (mine was super special too) These type of guys are keepers!!!

    Love love that die cut card using the words. Have a great time at CHA!!!

  10. So happy for you! You make a gorgeous couple!

  11. Congratulations! Felicitations! Raucous (sp.?) good cheer! Gigantic goofy smiles! Squeezy hugs! Air punches! Dancing jigs and much much more! Awesome news Amber girl!

    Love Love love your card and that the man is also plenty creative too! Match truly made in heaven. So sweet! Just perfect!

  12. How wonderful!! Congratulations, Amber! So happy for you! Andrew seems like quite the catch--I love the beautiful box and all the details!

    And your card is so fun, and just perfect :)

  13. Does that man know you or WHAT?! Handcrafted box. Dressed up little man that had to have been hand-painted to look like him. And the wire inside the box = the wire on your "OM is where the heart is" card...hello...y'all totally have like crafty-psychic-ness.

    Tell Andrew I love him already and that was before I saw the ring! (dude did WONDERFULLY). And that's not I LOVE him kind of love him - but love him like "dude, I totally appreciate you for loving my imaginary friend like that" love him.

    Mazel Tov!!!!! (and girl, you do NOT want triplets! high risk pregnancy, bed rest, possible long hospital stay for the babies...no)

  14. And oh...have fun at CHA and in Cincinnati!!!

  15. A BIG CONGRATULATIONS, Amber. I am so happy for you. Wow, Andrew is as creative as you. The video, the poem, the beautiful box, the wire message, the little guy in the tux and the BEAUTIFUL RING...

    Oh, I almost forgot... love the card. I guess you were predicting the future.


  16. congrats!! that's pretty much the cutest proposal in a box I've ever seen! Cheers on your way to the altar & little triplets (lol!)

  17. WOW! Unbelievable! Congrats to you Amber on your engagement! I know how excited you feel, even though it was 3 years ago that I got engaged! What a sweetheart he is. Love how he proposed and made it so creative! You two will CERTAINLY have VERY creative kiddos! :)

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE that card you made with the PTI die-cuts! So simple, yet so so genius.

  18. your card is adorable but WHOA!!! What a wonderful proposal...how stinking cute! Congratulations!!! Have a blast at CHA!

  19. Congrats again! You may have gotten a bit carried away with the cards (triplets, really?!?!?) Love you and Drew!

  20. That's brilliant news... ring is just gorgeous and sounds like such a sweet proposal! Now everyone will be checking out your ring instead of the crafty stuff at CHA... lol!

  21. Huge congratulations to you both!
    That has to be the most romantic proposal story I ever heard - he is a total keeper!!!
    You're a match made in heaven being on such a common wavelength - your card is perfection ;)
    Have fun at CHA, and I'll have all my fingers and toes crossed for you in the next round of Gallery Idol - you deserve it! Rxx

  22. Congratulations!!! What happy news! You both are so creative - sounds like a wonderful guy :)

  23. CONGRATULATIONS!! I am very happy for you both because you really seem to go together perfectly. The cards are fabulous, the proposal is too adorable for words and the ring is BEAUTIFUL. I LOVE a man who knows how to make his girl feel special and like one of a kind. Have fun at CHA. God Bless you both.

  24. Congrats Amber! What a fun story! Thanks for sharing! And I love love that card too! so cute!

  25. Awwwwwww, Amber! How exciting, and sweet! He really is a hottie! ;) I love how your card looks so much like his proposal box! What a great proposal, too! A keeper, for sure! I am so happy for you! Congrats!

  26. Congratulations, Amber! Your cards are lovely (as well as clairvoyant!). Have fun at CHA!

  27. OMG!!! This is the best post EVER!!!! Congrats, Amber! What handsome, sweet and crafty man!!! I wish you all the best!

  28. Congratulations! What a fun and sweet story!

  29. Congratulations! You look so beautiful in that picture (I love the pink nails!) and your boyfriend was so sweet to create such a scene with the little wooden guy!
    Your cards are so pretty, I love the 1st one :)

  30. congrats Amber! I am so happy for both of you. You make an adorable couple. And your cards rock too!

  31. That is one special,cute and creative guy you've got there! A keeper for sure :) Congratulations, Amber :) Fantastic news!

  32. Congrats Amber! What a sweet guy. I love the whole box and the little guy. How cute! Your work is just beautiful as well! congrat on Gallery Idol....you really are on a great streak in life at the moment. Enjoy every minute!

  33. Many congrats Amber what a sweet way to ppo the question :)
    Love your card, I've just got this wordy set winging it's way to me.
    Jenny x

  34. Congrats!!! I am so happy for you both!!!

  35. Big news for sure and big CONGRATS!!

  36. Amber, I check out your blog because I love your designs and creativity... so, what a wonderful, sweet story you shared today about the proposal and your engagement! Congratulations!
    May you be deeply in love together for a good long time, (ps--no way could you ever do an "ugly cry!")

  37. I am beyond thrilled to pieces and ever so happy for you and your Andrew - oh my goodness, he is a keeper for sure!! Love the imaginative proposal - clearly, you've rubbed off on him in terms of creativity! LOL Girl, this is just wonderful news. May you have a very blessed and thrilling life - no one deserves it more than you!!

  38. That is so awesome! Congratulations, and cute card too!

  39. a BIG congrats to the both of you!!!!

  40. Wow! Congratulations! What a romantic guy. Sure beats the drunken proposal I got from my hubby ;)
    And the card is gorgeous!

  41. omgosh, you guys are ADORABLE!!! I got teary eyed with the proposal story so tell your guy he did good. Maybe he took all those cards as a hint and thought he better get acting on it! haha Good luck with all the wedding planning and most importantly I hope you two have a beautiful life together.

  42. AAAAH! Congratulations! I really loved your post. You story with the picture inserts... And how SWEET is your fiance... The box, the inside.... THE RING?!? You two are so cute! Congratulations again!

  43. Congratulations! What a beautiful couple you are. Love your cards too.

  44. Congrats!!!! So fun to see your crafty ideas translated into fabulous reality... can't wait to see what you whip up for your wedding invites. And don't worry your fabulous blogging fan crew will help get over your worry about it being perfect... it'll be awesome.

  45. Congratulations, Amber! He really is so adorable!

  46. Oh Congratulations...you have a real keeper there!

  47. Big congrats to you and Andrew! Looks like hubby to be is almost as creative as you are. Good thing he's not in the running against you at Gallery Idol! :)

  48. What a great couple!!! I love the proposal story, you had me tearing up over here. So happy for you both!

  49. Congrats Amber...sounds like he's a special one (my own proposal wasn't nearly as romantic.

  50. love the proposal story and so happy for you both!

  51. CONGRATULATIONS MA!! I know your are so excited. And I love, love, love your cards..

  52. Awwww, that is the best news!! I am so happy for you!! I LOVED reading your post...how fun!! And what a giggle I got when I saw the baby card! LOL!! I wish you both all the happiness in the world! Congratulations!!

  53. Congratulations on your engagement! I can't believe that given the opportunity to try on a load of wedding dresses that you picked the first one though?! You're supposed to take advantage of the situation and THEN choose the first one you tried! :)
    (I do the ugly face cry too, you're not alone!)
    Congratulations again, I wish you both all the happiness in the world :)

  54. Congrants Amber, I have not idea how i missed all the these posts. Congratulations on your engagement and having your projects featured on the Holiday Cards Magazine. You must be over the moon. So happy for you!

  55. Awww, YAY! So happy for you, Amber! Congratulations! I wish I was going to be there tomorrow to give you a big congrats hug!

  56. OMG!!!! It's been a bit too long since I have had time to "blurf" so I'm a little late to the party...but I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!! CONGRATS to you both!!!! What an AMAZING story and proposal!!! You still must be on cloud nine :) Hope you are having so much fun at CHA! Congrats again Amber!!! That is such FANTASTIC news!!! With your creativity and mad skillz, I cannot wait to see what fabulousness you come up with for your wedding :)

  57. Shut the front door!
    What a charming way of asking!! He thought of something that would appeal to YOUR senses. Crafty and clever. What a sweet guy! Congrats to the happy couple! Cute indeed! And girl you are simply stunning! You look oh so happy in this photo. Wishing you joy and happiness forever and ever! :)

  58. WOOOOHOOOO!!!! Just catching up on visiting my favorite blogs and WOW, this is BIG NEWS!!! CONGRATULATIONS on your engagement!!!! So happy and excited for you!!! You two look like a super fun and cute couple!!! Happy wedding planning!!!
