Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Pre-Launch Week : Social Media Peeks & More

I was always a good student. I got good grades, turned my homework in on time and kept all of my stuff organized. There was one problem though - I was always talking in class. Always. Talking about anything. To anyone. To everyone.

When report card time came around,  I wasn't too nervous about the grades so much as that nasty little portion of the report card where my teachers left comments about me. They usually went  a little something like this:

"Amber is a great student, but she really needs to be quiet in class."
" Works hard but can't keep her mouth shut."
" Does great work but socializes too much."

Umm...excuse me? Socializes too much? Can I help it if I have things to say that are more interesting than your lecture on noble gases and orbitals?

Luckily, I get to do all the socializing I want now, and I'm taking total advantage of it! 

Enter: Damask Love social media buttons! I know, I know - what's so exciting about social media buttons? Well - how about the fact that the current Damask Love doesn't have any!!!


These little buttons are made of 50% happiness and  50% good times. They pretty much make sure that we can keep this shindig going around the clock. Click any of them and head over to the Damask Love Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest or Twitter accounts. OH! And I should mention... there's a pretty awesome peek waiting for you if you do (*cough*logo*cough*).

Now, I'm warning you - the inside of my head is a wacky place, so if you're not so interested in what's going on in my daily life - maybe you should go ahead and ignore those buttons. If you're just as crazy about crafting as I am - join the party! You'll get an inside peek at what's happening behind the last weekend's attempt to organize my card stash that I posted on Instagram!

I've also got big plans for the social media pages - including "off campus" cards posts and commenter shout outs. Trust me - you'll want to be there.

More importantly, by connecting outside of the blog, we get to chat it up as much as we want ...without any worries about those nasty teacher remarks on our report cards!

See you tomorrow with more!

P.S. If you're not into the whole social media thing - no worries! I still love you!


  1. "Meredith shows great potential, but needs to focus more on schoolwork, and less on chatting with friends."

    Off to LIKE ya!!

  2. Not too much into the social media but I love your Pinterest.

  3. Thanks so much for including Pinstagram! I love Instagram, but hate browsing it on my phone.

  4. Yea! So glad you are invited us in!

  5. Congrats on the New Media outlets. Love the Logo! I'm sure you will have a lot of stalkers...uh hmmm, followers in no time st all. Let's hope we don't scare you! Smooches...

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