Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Clean and Simple Card Class - Study of White Space

I love a white cardbase. It's probably my favorite. One of my favorite cards that I ever made is THIS one, that includes plenty of white space!

One of my go-to ways to use white space is including a bold focal image and a simple sentiment.

For today's Clean and Simple Card Class, we're studying white space and all the cool ways to incorporate it into card design.

For my "assignment" I decided to revamp the design I used in that first card using different stamps but a similar layout.

I opted to pair my white card with a sizable image and dimension.

I love that huge flower so much!!!
With such a simple layout, I added dimension to the flower by cutting it out in different shades of pink and adhering them together with dimensionals.

Tip: To add more dimension, outline each flower layer with a marker that is the same color as the cardstock. This will add subtle shading.

Simplicity is my favorite look when it comes to cards, so I love a card with lots of white space!

Stamps: Hero Arts (Everyday Sayings, Sweet Petals Cling Stamp)
Cardstock: Papertrey Ink (white, True Black), Bazzil (Chablis, Pinkini, Tutu Pink)
Ink: Ranger Industries (Jet Black)


  1. Very beautiful indeed! Simple and clean!

  2. This is stunning! Love the white and that gorgeous flower :)

  3. Oh, Amber! This is gorgeous!! What a stunning CAS!

  4. STOP IT!!!! This is absolutely beautiful. I love that giant flower and all the layers you made with it.

  5. simple, clean, elegant classy, always perfect

  6. This is one of my favourite stamps too - love how you coloured it - phenomenal and the tiny black matting is perfection itself :o0
