Saturday, October 29, 2011

Clear & Simple Stamps - October Style Watch #4

Today's project is all about one of my favorite quotes that I found on Pinterest, "Creativity is Messy...and I am VERY creative!"

I don't know a crafter out there who doesn't get messy each time they sit down to their crafting table. It's all part of the fun right? I suppose there is that .05% of crafty peeps who cleans up as they goes along, but that is certainly NOT me...

How about you? Are you a messy crafter? Well, today's project was a blast to create. I combined images from this month's set to pay homage to all you messy crafters out there! The Craft Room set is so versatile and fun and offers so many options for arranging the images. 

With just one little button stamp, I recreated a scene that is all too common in my own crafting space. It seems that every time I reach for a button, I end up with a pool of them on the floor and on my table.

With a little masking and creative placement, these falling buttons add a bit of whimsy to the card, without any of the mess. Have a great day all you messy crafters out there…

Until Later Loverlies,

1) Make cardbase from cardstock
2) On a white panel, stamp/mask images and color.
3) Stamp sentiment.

STAMPS: Craft Room
INK: Perfect Little Black Dress
PAPER: A Blanc Check
OTHER: Markers


  1. Cute project! I have to admit I am one of the ones who has everything cleaned up as I go. It's the only way I can work. Sometimes I kick myself because I put something away and find I need to pull it back out because I made a mistake or decided to change/add to the design.:)

  2. Oh I'm with you Amber, the messier the better, the only time I wonder about my creative chaos is when I can't find the black ink pad or the scissors (which is fairly often), but it's all a work in progress right? Now if only I had more counter space... but the floor works too :) Congrats on your WCMD win.

  3. Cute card! My room is never clean. As soon as I clean it then I feel the need to create something and mess it up again!
