Sunday, September 25, 2011

Papertrey Ink Blog Hop - Inspirational Photo Series: Modern Stripes

Good googly moogly, do I love me some stripes! In my wardrobe, on my walls, on my cards...I just love a simple striped pattern!

So it was a no brainer that I'd play along in the September Blog Hop with Papertrey Ink. It did, however take a little brain power to REMEMBER to make something for the blog hop! Which is exactly why, I was up bright and early creating a few cards for this event, using this inspiration photo:

And while we're on the topic of stripey eye candy, I thought I'd share a beautiful art installation that I recently saw here in Miami at the Bass Museum of Art, while I was scoping out the location for our wedding venue.
Check out this amazing floor that was created for their Vanishing Points exhibit!

Now for my cards (yes, that's cards...plural).  Once I got started the inspiration kept coming. Something about those colors are just my style!

Up first is a literal interpretation of the photo...very literal, as a matter of fact. I LOVE the mitered clean and crisp.

The stripes portion of the card came together rather quickly...but boy did I obsess over the sentiment. So ridiculous. I wanted something with clean lines and a modern font, to complement the stripes. I found just what I was looking for in the PTI Faux Ribbon that set!

For my next card, I used a few colors from the inspiration photo, but played with the scale of the stripes and created a gradient effect with three colors.

I left just enough space between colors to slip in a simple sentiment.

Now...brace yourself for this last one.
It is totally unlike anything I've ever stamped. I used the colors from the inspiration photo, but wanted to deviate from the modern look of it. Instead, I wanted to create something reminiscent of folk art.

When the card was done, I felt like I needed something on for it....I added a bow. YIKES!

If you've read my blog for some time, you know how I get down with bows. Um...I don't. But I'm embracing it.

I love the finished product and I love that it's totally different than my typical cards.


Mitered Stripes:
Stamps: Papertrey Ink (Faux Ribbon for sentiment)
Ink: Ranger Archival Ink Jet Black
Paper: PTI (Vintage Cream, Smokey Shadow, Hawaiian Shores, Harvest Gold, Summer Sunrise, Pure Poppy, Raspberry Fizz)
Other: none

Gradient Stripes:
Stamps: PTI (Faux Ribbon)
Ink: Stampin Up (Apricot Appeal, Tempting Turquoise) Color Box Pigment Ink (Orchid); Ranger Archival Ink (Jet Black)
Paper: PTI (True Black , Vintage Cream)
Other: none

Folk Art Love:
Stamps: PTI (Sending You, Anniversary set {for small red dots}, Christmas Friends {for birds}, Polka Dot Basics {for yellow polka dot background}
Ink: Stampin Up (Rose Red, Tempting Turquoise,Yoyo Yellow, Summer Sun); Colorbox (Orchid)
Paper: PTI (Sweet Blush, Vintage Cream)
Other: PTI (Pure Poppy satin ribbon)


  1. Wow! That last card is simply AMAZING!!! I love absolutely everything about it. You stepped out of the box and it worked very well for you! :)

  2. Amber, this last card is AMAZING! Well done, chica! As for the 1st one... well, I love it and you'll understand why if you check my blog. Great minds... :D

  3. Amazing cards lady! I love the folk art card! So pretty!

  4. Each card is a WOW for me!!! Great interpretation on each one!!!

  5. Oh wow...these are so cool! I absolutely love that second one, though. It's completely cool and the lines look fabulous. You know, I'm not sure I've ever noticed your lack of bow

  6. holy toledo- you were REALLY inspired! these are all great- but I love how different that last one is!!! GREAT cards!

  7. Oh my Amber -- these are three awesome cards! LOVE the gradients in the second card. Everything is just perfectly stamped. The last one with the bow is adorable. I'm totally with you on the bow / ribbon thing. I never want to use it on cards, but I have so much of it (and I keep buying more colors). Anyhow, that card rocks too.

  8. love all of the cards especially the last one!!

  9. All great cards. I really dig that flor you found.

  10. Your cards are amazing! I especially like the folk art card. Just beautiful!

  11. Shut the front door! These cards are AH-MA-ZING! Fabulous take on the INspiration photo and that last card with the polka dots and flowers, I will be casing for sure!

  12. WOW! Am I glad I get your posts! Talk about amazing cards! That first card's line up is PERFECT! Seriously, how did you get it so perfect! Thanks for some awesome eye candy!!

  13. You went to town, lady! I lurve that last card. You should channel your inner Betsy Veldman more often! Hee.

  14. Amber, ALL of your cards are stunning!!

  15. Gorgeous cards. Great take on the photo. I love the second one. Crisp and clean. The last one is beautiful :)

  16. Brilliant cards Amber...I always love to see your bold graphical cards the most :)
    Jenny x

  17. Fantastic cards, Amber! I knew you would rock this inspiation challenge! The picture screamed "AMBER" to me from the moment I saw it! I love the first card and the mitered corners! Your last card? Absolutely gorgeous, girl!

  18. Love all the cards and how different the folk art card is from the striped cards.

  19. Girl, i love how you "get down" with the bow! It's perfections and that card is so gorgeous it looks printed from a press. Stunning, clean and colorful goodness. Love it!

  20. wow. Just wow. All of them are fantastic! You sure know how to rock the stripes.

  21. Wonderful cards. I love your inspired takes of the inspiration photo. They have all translated so well. But I must say that second photo of the stripey stairs does my head in. I tell ya, for someone like me who cant chew guma and walk up stairs ...what hope would I have on those! Yikes!

    Lovely work.

  22. All three cards were up to your usual amazing standards! The bow rocked! And you say you can't tie a decent bow! Hah!

  23. Wow, wow and WOW.

    Okay, I love the first one, because you're always meticulous in execution. I love the second one because the gradient is awesome.

    The last one? HO-LEE COW. Your pattern is A-MAY-ZING, and the colours work so perfectly. The bow? Kicks my bows' butts. It's awesome!!!

  24. Wow your cards are amazing... Love the patterns you created.

  25. Amber, I'm speechless! I was oohing and ahhing over the mitred corners and clean lines on your first card and already planning my CASE of it while scrolling down the page, when along comes the last card. Totally not MY usual style either, but I TOTALLY love it! Wow!

  26. WOW! Every card is unique and beautiful!

  27. Um... yeah... totally, totally diggin' that folk art card. Totally.

  28. I absolutely love them! ALL! Particularly the last one, though - just because it's nothing like your regular style.

  29. I totally love them all! You rocked the challenge for sure!

  30. Your cards are fabulous!! I love them all!!

  31. wow! these are amazing, Amber! love them all!

  32. Its a fabulous creation its looking supper...
    Plastic card printing
    plastic Cards

  33. Wow what a terrific trio of cards. They are all wonderful. I love that you did something "out of the box" from your usual style too. It looks awesome.

  34. I love all of them, but the one I decided to case was the striped one with the mitered corners. And I'm still at it! I must be a dunce or something, but I cannot figure out how to get exactly 45 degree angles. I've cut the strips numerous times, but I'm always off. Do you have a particular technique? If so, I would LOVE to know what it is ... before I lose my mind!
