Thursday, September 15, 2011

Cards and Confessions

Two cards and one confession...albeit one long confession. That's what I've got for you today.

I won't fault you for skimming through the latter and scrolling for the photos...they are there. If you've got a little time on your hands, settle in for the rest. I'll try to make it interesting.


In the world of craft blogging, it seems like once in a while every blogger posts the requisite cathartic write up about life, crafting and finding balance. Today I'm cashing in on mine.

In case you are, I'm not quitting crafting. No, I'm not closing up shop, but I do I have a confession: I am a worrier. I worry about worrying. If ever they add a worrying event to the Olympics, I'm taking home the gold.

At the beginning of this year, I started blogging about my crafts with the sole intent of adding a little purpose to my hobby. Otherwise, many of my projects would sit in the house, never to see the light of day!

Crafting was fun, relaxing and a creative outlet for me.  Today...somehow...I've managed to start worrying about crafting...not cool.

I worry about my next project. Hoping that it'll be up to snuff.

I worry about whether the few folks that pop by Damask Love will like it.

I worry if I'll get enough comments to make the project worth while.

I worry if my projects are unique enough.

For all the worrying I manage to do, you'd think that my cards were somehow going to solve world hunger or close the hole in the ozone layer. As far as I know, that won't be happening.

I imagine I'm not the only crafter who worries about this stuff...

My worrying has really sucked a lot of the fun out of crafting! YUCK!

I mean, let's be honest...

Comments are cool...I love to hear what people think and they always put a smile on my face.

Winning contests and challenges is great...I'm pretty sure it's the closest  I'm going to get to "having my picture in the paper" without committing a crime.

Publication is fabulous...who doesn't want to see their "name in lights" ?!

But really, if none of those things ever happened...I would still love crafting. I just love being creative.

That's what I need to remember. That's what I've recently forgotten.

In the midst of my worries, I've lost track of what I love to create most.  My favorite cards are the one's that I look at and love. They are usually simple, crisp...sometimes clever...sometimes not.

I am inspired by cards that are simple, crisp...sometimes clever...sometimes not.

So I'm taking myself off the hook. I'm gonna make cards and love it...the way I'm supposed to. No more pressure on myself and no more worrying about the minutia.

Just do what I do and enjoy it.

I'm not in the business of sealing the hole in the ozone layer, anyway!

So without worrying or putting any pressure on myself, I sat down to the craft desk at 2am...after a heinously long day at work and created something that I love.

With the recent holiday release at PTI and the upcoming Holiday issue of Papercrafts Magazine, I was in the mood for something Christmassy! I even pulled out my microbeads...which is something I've NEVER done!!

***Tip about microbeads (that I learned the hard way!): adhere them with a tape runner...not glue. If you thought glitter was messy, try working with these little things. They roll EVERYWHERE!*** 

So, that's it! Thanks for stopping by! I hope you enjoyed the photos...or the read...whichever you decided on!

Today is another happy mail day at PC Mag and I'm planning on hosting another Reject Blog's been a while since we had one of those!!

Until later!


  1. Although I'm BAD at leaving comments on blogs....I LOVE your blog!! Your cards are inspiring, cute, clever, original, etc. I could go on and on.....:)

  2. Girl, you took the words right out of my mouth, er, post! Seriously, I have found myself thinking the exact same thoughts and have to let myself of the worrying hook. LOVE that wreath, it's amazing and well so is everything else you create!

  3. I'm so glad you came to the "aha moment" and are back creating for pleasure. I found that when I was looking for a purpose for my crafting I began making cards for servicemen and for my church. It really has made creating even more fun.

  4. First, I always love your cards. Second, you've articulated the reasons why I don't start a blog. I just want to create without worrying about how a card "measures up" or how many comments I get. I used to post my cards to an online gallery until I found myself too caught up in the "how many comments or favorites did I get?" or "why are so few people commenting on this?".

    Create because you love it, and don't worry about what others think.

  5. You crack me up.... I love your confessions, and heaven forbid you should suck the love out of your hobby-- how are you going to muster up the creative love for your wedding if you do that? You do clean and crisp so well, so stick to it, you've got plenty of fun fans.

  6. I love your work. I'm not a big commenter... I feel like my words become cliche and worthless if I write "omg I love it" on everything I love on every blog I follow. I guess I should do it regardless.

    So I guess I'll say it again. I love your work! The wreath is super cute (I love the texture) and I love the simple bow.


  7. I rarely comment, but thought I would do so today. I've been stalking your blog since I've discovered you on the PTI forum. Your highly creative and innovative cards/projects always blow me away. Don't ever stop creating - take *short* breaks if you feel you are no longer enjoying the craft. I say *short* because your followers thoroughly enjoy your posts - whether you're sharing your fabulous creations or even updates with your move or wedding. As with me, you're one of the people I shameless CASE! We all work hard during our day job, but always remember that our hobby should be our stress reliever. Can't wait to see what's next up your sleeve. NO PRESSURE! I'll always love what you do.
    (psst..BTW, I STILL have not opened that PTI ribbon package from WAY back in the day! Still out on display though!)

  8. I totally get what you are saying Amber. So glad you shared. It's all about perspective. What is your true purpose in crafting, etc? I just take crafting at my own pace and do what I like because I know it could quickly turn into something unenjoyable if I put too much emphasis on the wrong goal. As far as worrying, girl you just need to come hang out with me. I am not a worrier at all. It's not worth it, so just relax and have fun:)

  9. Amber - I stumbled onto your blog a few months back because of a blog hop. I LOVE YOUR PROJECTS! I admit - I don't always leave a comment. But I so enjoy admiring the work of such talented individuals like yourself. And ... please stop worrying! This should be a relaxing "time-out" for you - I'd think.

    Just wanted to add my 2 cents.

  10. OK, just gotta say--I LOVE that holiday wreath card. So much impact!! So glad to hear that you love it, too. :D

  11. Good for you, girl! I mean, not the worrying, but the deciding NOT to worry. Or at least trying not to. You know what I mean.
    I'm thoroughly impressed by your use of microbeads. Those things scare me. But I really love your queen bee card! Super fabulous!

  12. Ok, I am one of the followers that looks every time but rarely leaves a comment. Just not enough hours in the day. I love reading your thoughts and need to remind myself of those. Stunning cards!

  13. These words are so true.. Of late I was wondering the same too... Why do I sometimes push myself to make that last card to submit just before the deadline? I need to learn to relax and enjoy my hobby again...

  14. Unfortunately I can't offer anything insightful or witty , but just a big heartfelt, squishy virtual hug. Although I haven't enjoyed the seeming successes that you have on any level, I can imagine that, at times, it can be a slippery slope and a bit pressurized. But I always like to remind myself, "that when times get tough, the tough get crafting.". Seriously. maybe a wee blogging break may help as it takes time and use that time to just craft (or dance..;-) ) as if no one is watching and lovingly reacquaint yourself with that which moves and inspires your beautiful self: feed your spirit. XO

  15. Yep, you're totally right! My hook was maybe a little bit different (since I'm not THAT creative, my inspiration has to come to me, otherwise it's no good!), I just had to stop making things for the sake of making them, cards mostly. And had to concentrate on making things that MATTER to me most, our family's memories on layouts. My blog is sort of empty, few people visit now and leave comments but life goes on and I'm happy with it. Anyway, I love what you create and that card (2 am you say?) is amazing! I wouldn't even try to make anything at such a wee hour but went straight to bed!!!

  16. Good luck in your quest to worry less, it's a hard resolution to keep! The successes you've had in the short time you've been blogging are amazing! But well-deserved, too. And today's cards are as perfect as ever -- the micro-bead wreath is fabulous!

  17. Way to put things into perspective. I totally feel that craft anxiety that comes with blogging. I think we all (crafters/bloggers)worry way to much about what others think about our stuff, when in truth we should be crafting because we love it. Many times I sat at my craft desk and I had to slap myself saying "make whatever you want, not what you think others will like". I just found your blog from the Moxie Fab world and I like the things you do, but who am I to impress :)

  18. That's some serious pressure! And so many things that you have only the smallest amount of influence over. But even those of us who aren't champion worriers are kept up by some of the same concerns. They're universal to writing a blog and sharing part of yourself with the public. It took me a while, but I learned to forget about those worries that distract me from the real goodness in sharing my craft. I'm glad to hear you're trying to let go of some of your worries to focus on having fun.

  19. Amber, I feel the same way. I let it get me down. I considered not blogging any more, because who needs to feel disappointed by not getting comments all the time? People who get my cards and hand made gifts in person really like, and maybe even love, my creations. So, why put myself out there for a form of rejection?

    But, after putting up a project a few weeks ago and not getting any comments, and getting my feelings hurt, someone messaged me privately and told me she appreciated my idea.

    So, to make a long story longer, I decided that I will continue to blog and I won't pay any attention at all to the number of comments I receive. I LOVE getting comments, like everyone does, but its not why I craft or blog. And, I have seen that many crafting "rock stars" sometimes don't get many comments on some of their posts, either. (BTW, I consider you one of the "rock stars")

    Even though I may not have time to leave a comment on every post, I love your blog, visit it daily, and am inspired. TFS your crafts!

  20. Love your cards, love your blog. Keep doing what you love!

  21. Crafting should be an escape from
    worrying and stress but sometimes, we
    put those extra pressures on ourselves and it too becomes stressful. It is good that you know
    you have reached that point and want to try to make it fun again. I really enjoy your blog and creations!

  22. I am like you - when I don't get many comments I feel like the project wasn't as good as I thought. But I also try to remind myself that I am making things for the therapy of it, not for the recognition. But I like the recognition too. I just realized a few months ago that I was putting too much stress on myself to be practically famous for making cards - and hey, if someday I was the next Betsy Veldman or whoever, that would be totally cool with me - but I was missing out on too much time with my kids, my family, my house; other things that I love just as much or more. So I figured it was time to just make stuff to make it, and if something is supposed to happen with that, it will.

    Everything you create is awesome, Amber, I really don't think you have anything to worry about.

  23. Oh Amber! You are an inspiration. I have a craft blog I started to de-stress myself from my job but the last post I wrote was back in July. I am just like you but replace the 'worry' with 'frustrated with job'. In addition, I created a card I absolutely hated back around Easter time and I've been afraid of that failure ever since. But just recently, I made a decision to look for a new job while keeping my current one, and also bought a few new crafting supplies to jump-start myself to get back into things. I'm hoping that I can dig myself out of a rut since coming up with this plan.

    I really enjoy your creations, especially how you can take a sketch and make it your own. That's a skill not everyone has. Keep it up, you are super awesome!!!!!

  24. GREAT post, Amber! I'm a total worrier too, and just like you, I've found that I need to continually remind myself that this is supposed to be fun not stressful!! Both of these cards are awesome!!! And here's to creating for the FUN OF IT!!!!

  25. well, indeed refocus did you some good, and a little micro bead action certainly helped it along, too!! this is awesome, I, too have had a micro bead mess as well as a mental hissy fit over the whole blog/comment thing. takes the fun out of it for sure.

  26. I'm not a worrier at all. Usually. Perhaps it is the changing of the seasons but a little while ago, even I started worrying about the same things. Just mildly. So I reminded myself that my blog is just for me. And my mom. It's there to help me see where I've come from. Document my few triumphs and a few dismal failures. I post practically everything I make, whether I'm pleased with it or not. It's all a learning experience for me because I used to think I wasn't creative at all!
    Just thought I'd pop in and share that bit of advice with you. Your crafting is for you. Your blog is for you. Comments are icing but I'm happy with just the cake. :P
    Oh, yummy!! Cake!!!!

  27. PS Thanks for the tip about microbeads! I used them only once (with glue) and wasn't happy with it... Your card, however, is MARVELOUS!! Makes me want to break them out again. Almost.

  28. Oh my stinkin' heck! Did you see that wreath you made?! Do you know how FABULOUS that thing is?! Oh. My. Gosh.

    I stopped blogging about a lot of different things because, well, suddenly having an "audience" sucked the fun out of all of it. (baking, parenting, you name it) And then on top of it all, you're planning a wedding and moving and...girl, give yourself a break, grab a glass of wine and LOOK AT THAT WREATH. It's fabulous. Day-um! :D

  29. It's easy to forget why we started crafting in the first place! Your post and a lot of the comments you have gotten on it have certainly helped me out today!

  30. I dare say you've struck a chord with many a crafter with this post…me included. I'm right there with ya - I am a chronic, incurable worrier (and my husband would agree LOL!). I have thought about the same thing many times - a hobby that I love becoming a source of stress (all due to my own mental gymnastics!!!) - but I kinda came to the same conclusion. Just make stuff you love :) Good for you!!! And THANKS for sharing!!
    Glad you made something you love - 'cause I LOVE this too!!! LOVE the micro bead wreath - AMAZING!!! What did you use to adhere the microbeads to the wreath? This is utterly FABULOUS and creative (and at 2am, wish my mind could function this well at 2 am!!!). You rock!

  31. Nicely put.. You have just gained a new follower. I really need to hear that..and i am glad you posted it.. I do love to craft and i was starting to feel this way. Today is a new day...thanks..

    Love your card..your microbeading is awesome..

  32. Love this post, Amber. I almost feel like I could have written it myself. Oh, and here's my tip for microbeads: Glossy Accents. You have to let them dry once they're on there, but they aren't going anywhere after that.

  33. Can I copy/paste this to my own blog? I mean, you are MUCH wittier than I and therefore I could take the pressure off of myself to hit the perfect pitch of cute sarcasm, etc. If you would like a little addition to this incessant worry: I worry about my crafting obsession making me an inadequate mother. Shouldn't I be worrying more about spending time with my kids instead of pondering the next thing coming down the proverbial pike for a darn card? Oh girl, let's do this thing because we love it and because it is a HOBBY... I want to live life and craft for pleasure not live life to make the "perfect" card. HUGS.

  34. Sorry to hear about the worrying, but I know I've felt it at times too.

    You know what you have to do - let yourself off the hook!

    Love both cards posted, the bees and the beautiful wreath.

  35. You just hit the nail squarely on the head my friend and remembering the creative side of it is exactly what I need to do too.
    Love love love the wreath, such an excellent touchy feely card :)
    Jenny x

  36. I suck at leaving comments but this post brought me here...I LOVE your work. Wish I had an ounce of your creativity. Love that you're going back to creating for fun!! Enjoy and create for the craft of it!!!

  37. Hi Amber, I'm a new visitor to your blog - I linked across from Robin's blog :) Your words really spoke to me - I have a blog for sharing my crafting creations, and I don't get a lot of visitors or comments. I do have a couple of followers who are kind enough to pop in, but usually I only get comments if I enter a challenge and the DT members have to visit, LOL!! Anyways, as nice as it is to receive a kind comment, it's also nice to be reminded every now and again that my blog is not the reason that I create. My blog is just somewhere to put my creations in one place :)
    Your work is beautiful! The microbead wreath is... wow! I tried microbeads once (with DM I think??) and oh, what a disaster - those little suckers went everywhere!! Thanks so much for the tip :)

  38. Need I say MORE? This is so well written, Amber,and you have beautifully put crafting in perspective. My family told me so (all of your points) ALL the time! I know..I should craft for the fun of it and not over worrying. My world seems to collapse when I didn't get the happy e-mail on Thursday (I shall share that on my post this coming Monday). Well, guess what, the world will go on with or without my publication! Yup, I need to get out more :) Hey LOVE your beady card. This reminds me of my tiny beads that I haven't touched for 2 years! Yikes!

  39. I've gone through the same thing myself - worrying about getting published, winning challenges, getting on DTs - and in the end, I just try to remember that it just comes down to having fun. Which is what this hobby is supposed to be! So hugs to you - we've all been there.
    Cute card!

  40. Great post Amber! I have often found myself "worrying" about crafting and then realized how dumb I really, it is supposed to be FUN and feeling that way was taking the fun right out of it. So I have totally pulled back and just create when and what I want mostly and ENJOY it! Good for you for voicing this! Love this card by the way:)!!!
