Thursday, July 7, 2011

Embellish Rainbow Challenge

Roy. G. Biv and I go way back. Waaaaaay back. Ever since my 2nd grade teacher introduced us, we've been great pals. He really brightens up my day and I can always count on him when I need some colorful crafting inspiration.

I'm so happy that Embellish is dedicating a challenge to Roy. He deserves it.

Now, as much as I love Roy, I had to shake things up for this challenge. See, Roy is just so predictable... I am not. That's always been a problem for us. So for my card, I went with a less predictable version of Roy G. Biv...I hope he won't mind!

I went with a simple one-layer layout for this one! I chose to left justify the design since I usually opt to flank everything on the right side. Just a little something different.

To make the pattern, I used a stamp from the PTI Turning A New Leaf itty bitty stamp...a stamp that I hadn't even noticed until it fell onto the floor as I was opening the case.

I took that as a sign that this little guy was begging for some attention. So I gave him some love...lots of it! I stamped the leaf in a staggered pattern in a rainbow-ish array of colors!

I'm loving the result!

That's all from me today! I'll be back tomorrow with more stamped goodness:-)

Thanks for stopping by for some Damask Love!

Stamps: PTI (Turning a New Leaf)


  1. WOW!! Does your stamping hand have a cramp now? This is an amazing card!!

  2. Wow. That looks like it was a lot of work/a lot of fun. Great result, and I never would have figured it out on my own.

  3. It may be just one layer, but it's awesome!!

  4. Oh, I love Roy too! Whenever I am organizing paper, or when I had to reorganize my copics into their new little rack, I call on Roy to guide me. He makes things so tidy and cohesive, right?

    Go ice that stamping hand, this one must have been a doozy!! Worth it though!! :)

  5. This is gorgeous! And such a clever use of that tiny stamp - I don't think I've seen that stamp either!

  6. Beautiful! and so creative too. I love how you are able to pick out and use stamps is such an original way Amber. This is brilliant!

  7. I love how you always give love to the forgotten little stamps... :)

  8. beautiful. had to google roy. g biv good grief!

  9. I am sure ROY understood, especially after seeing this clever card! How fun and so CAS! Awesome job Amber!

  10. Wow! that is a lot of stamping Amber, and you did great keeping it all straight, it looks awesome!

  11. Beautiful card and color palette.

  12. Your comment on roy g biv makes me think of my children who also think roy g biv is pretty cool, so now I've got their sing songy voices stuck in my head saying "roy g biv...roy g biv". Love that you used a tiny piece of the PTI set for this... now I've got to get out the magnifying glass and have a look at my other sets. And while I'm leaving a novel here, go check out my birthday post on my blog-- prizes to be won.

  13. that tiny little leaf! WHO KNEW??? so fab!

  14. This is so pretty!! I love how you shook up good ol' Roy for this. Great use of that teeny tiny stamp1

  15. Wow your card is so pretty, I love it! I can't believe that you created it using only the tiny leaf from the set...that's incredible!

  16. Whoda thunk one teeny little leaf could product such an awesome card?! :) Love it, Amber! So glad you joined us for the Embellish Color Trends Challenge! :)

  17. You are some dedicated, to stamp that itty bitty leaf so many times! All worth it to produce this beauty. :)

  18. Wow this is stunning Amber! Love the simplicity of this and those gorgeous colours!

  19. Oh my goodness! I can't believe how you created this stunning card with just that little itty bitty stamp! FABULOUS!

  20. Wowser! - That tiny stamp sure packed a huge punch of fabulous on this colorful card.
    You know they say you learn something every day...well today it's sure is true for me. I'd never heard of Roy G. Biv before so had to "Google" it and low and behold I found out he's the color spectrum of a rainbow. Now why hadn't I ever heard that before?
