Monday, June 13, 2011

Moxie Fabber of the Week

Have you been over to Moxie Fab World site today?!?! Have you? Have you? Have you?

Actually, chances are that you ended up here because you were at Moxie Fab World first...I mean, let's be honest...MFW has about a bajillion more people checking it!

Well, however you ended up're here now...and I am so excited to have you because I am Moxie Fabber of the Week!!!!

Seriously, I'm very excited about this. Really excited. More excited than my normal baseline level of excitement, which is pretty high.

The fact that Cath is allowing my mug to take up space in her sidebar for a whole week is pretty cool!

But I should be honest: while I do have bouts of fabulousness,  I'm really not so Moxie Fab on a daily basis. I'm actually pretty Moxie Regular. And then there are those days when I am downright Moxie Sad.

Here's what I mean:

Moxie Fab: I love making personalized birthday cards for friends.
Moxie Sad: I usually mail out those birthday cards 3 weeks after their birthday has come and gone. Something about me and post offices just don't get along.

Moxie Fab: I love dogs.
Moxie Sad: I hate frogs. I am deathly afraid of them...seriously. As a psychologist, I know full well what I need to do to treat this phobia but I have no plans of doing that. The frogs and I have a pretty good agreement about how they should behave when I'm around. As long as they stay out of my way, everyone is happy.

Moxie Fab: I live in beautiful Miami where most days the weather is perfect for the beach.
Moxie Sad: Mosquitoes love me and I am horribly allergic. 5 minutes outside and I can easily rack up 10 mosquito bites. I've tried everything to repel them. Nothing works. It's sad..moxie sad.

Moxie Fab: I love to sing.
Moxie Sad: I also love to forget the words. This is particularly sad if, for example, you are singing at your friend's wedding during the First Dance and leave out two lines of the song, so instead you just repeat the lines from the previous verse and everyone looks at you kinda funny...for example.

So, thank you, Cath for giving me a week to be Moxie Fab! Next week, I'll go back to being Moxie Regular:-)

Before I go, here's a quick card that I'm entering into the Gallery Idol competition. It's a fun, simple graduation card, which is quite fitting since graduation season is pretty much over and I have knack for being tardy for the party.

Thanks for stopping by for some Damask Love and have a Moxie Fab week...I know I will!!!

Stamps: Hero Arts Lauderdale Sunshine (sunglasses), Lawn Fawn Hats Off To You (graduation hat), Clear and Simple stamps A Guy Thing (tie), PTI Faux Ribbon (stripes on tie), PTI Signature Greetings ("dude,"), PTI Mat Stack 2 ("congratulations")
Ink: Stampin Up: Rose Red, Ranger Archival Jet Black
Other: Tombow Watercolor Markers, yellow embroidery twine


  1. Super duper congrats on the Moxie Fab of the week! You've always been MY favorite blogger!

  2. OMG... we are for sure soul mates. Or something. Anyway... my whole life I have been PETRIFIED of Frogs. I can tell you exactly where it started and why I am afraid, and it's the weirdest thing because if they are around (at a safe distance, or contained), I have to stare at them while my fingernails penetrate whomever's arm is nearest to me, and my heart pounds out of my chest. Awful, AWFUL creatures. *shudder* I can't even touch a picture of them, because it gives me the creeps.

    Oh, and I do the very thing with cards and the post office.

    Your card is *awesome*. I know for sure you're going to make the short list!

    Congrats, Moxie Fab Girl!

  3. congrats on being Moxie Fab! I'm diggin' your designs!

  4. DUDE. did you really forget the words during your friend's first dance? moxie sad indeed, lol! The whole post was hilarious - and congrats on being featured! You moxie-fabber, you!

  5. I was at Moxie Fab World today and it led me here.... but I am usualy here anyway getting a daily dose of inspiration {and laughs}.... Congrats on being Moxie Fabber of the week!!! Love the congrats card.. super clever as always!

  6. Congrats! to you Moxie Fabber of the are totally deserving. LOVE that card.

  7. Oh Amber..I was really excited to see you are Moxie Fabber of the week - Congrats!

  8. Yay to you for being a Moxie Fabber! Congrats! ;)

  9. Congrats! Very well deserved! I know the feeling - you are going to love it!

  10. Congrats on a well-deserved honor!!!

    And, being the bride at that friend's wedding...I can put everyone at ease to say that not a single person gave the lyric mishap a second thought because they were so spellbound by Amber's beautiful voice. In fact, just this weekend, I was thinking about how moxie fab it was that you gave us that wonderful gift. I will treasure that memory always! xoxo

  11. Yayyy for the Moxie Fabber of the Week! I loved learning a bit more about you. And now, something you need to know about me: I used to collect (faux) frogs. Now I collect stamps and patterned paper ;)

  12. Congratulations, Amber! See your frequent posts on PTI's Forum so am familiar with your blog. Love your style and SO happy you are Moxie Fabber of the Week. You deserve it!
    (aka bdlakebum)

  13. You are so right. Followed you over from MFW. Congrats! I love this card. I am a new follower. :)

  14. Love, love... and you know, it's okay to be Moxie Sad from time, it makes those Moxie Fab days even brighter!

  15. Love, love... and you know, it's okay to be Moxie Sad from time, it makes those Moxie Fab days even brighter!

  16. I really love your style and your sense of humor! You make me smile with each post. I really admire how much you have accomplish in such a short period of time. Keep making us happy with your posts!!

  17. Congrats on being Moxie Fabber of the week! So awesome. :) And thanks for the hilarious Fab/Sad list. The fact that you spilled all that makes you even more fab. Rock on, dude.

  18. Congrats on your Moxie Fabber of the Week feature Amber! Love your Fab/Sad list and your card is gorgeous! :)

  19. Congrats on being Moxie Fabber of the week! I have never met anyone else as afraid of frogs as I am. And I am terrified. I might have once cried because a frog jumped on my foot and caught me off guard. Thanks for making yourself so totally relatable!

  20. I haven't gotten to MFW in my Reader (because it's're A, it's M...go figure, LOL) Anyway, I am sooooooo glad you're MFOTW! You should be because I think you're totally Faboo!!!!! :) Congratulations! I love your fab/sad list (sad that you're sad, though many of them made me laugh...not AT you, but WITH you). And ooooh, afraid of frogs? That would be a bad thing in this house. My youngest daughter LOVES "woggies." {note to self, never send Amber a card with a frog on it...or in it...of course, in it would be squished and gross and who wants frog guts in their card?!} Anyway...WAHOO FOR YOU!!!!

  21. WAHOO dr amber, you are a hoot! hahaah, I love your post. big hugs and congrats on your day. I don't know about frogs, I guess I would scream if I touched one, but I really do like snakes. hehe ;) I hope you'll still be my friend after this.

  22. So excited to see you are Moxie Fabber of the week! So so cool, and nice to learn more about you! Love this card Amber, so fun!

  23. Happy dance, happy dance, happy dance!!!! You are FAB!! This post is FAB. Your card is FAB! You are just F.A.B! This is such a cool thing!!

  24. you are so moxie-fabulous even when moxie-sad. haha i totally get that post office thing?! what is with that??? i'm terrible at mailing stuff which is why i don't do swaps, etc. at least you get bday cards out...i have some still addressed sitting on my desk from April *gasp* I just LOVE LOVE LOVE your clean & graphic style. def in awe every time i come to visit your blog.
