Monday, May 16, 2011

CAS-ual Friday -Buttons and Twine

Have you checked out Papertrey Ink's newest release?! It may be my favorite yet! Full of garden-y goodness and fabulous fruits (can you tell that alliteration is a favorite of mine!?)

After looking through the design team's projects, I was inspired to create something fruity.

Enter: the current CAS-ual Friday challenge.

This week's challenge is to use buttons and twine in a clean and simple creation.

Now, typically, buttons and twine are used as embellishments in cardmaking. Never being one to follow directions, I took this challenge as an opportunity to use buttons and twine in a wacky sorta way.

I gathered up a ton of purple buttons to create a little bunch of grapes! It was really simple! 

Now for the's there...I promise!

I used Twinery Baker's Twine in Honeydew to make those little spiral vines. Here's how I did it:
  •  With my fingers, I rubbed craft glue onto a length of twine. Then I wrapped the still-tacky twine onto a skewer.

  • Within 15 minutes the twine was firm and I removed it from the skewer. I had to wiggle the skewer a bit, since the twine had adhered to it. The result was a perfect little "twine vine" for my bunch of grapes!

I finished off this clean and simple card with the perfect sentiment from Denami Designs - which is so fitting, since Denami is this week's CAS-ual Friday sponsor!

Thanks a bunch for stopping by for some Damask Love! Have a wonderful day!

Stamps: Denami Designs Thanks A Bunch sentiment
Ink: Stampin Up (Elegant Eggplant)
Paper: Papertrey Ink (Kraft, Rustic Cream, Ripe Avocado)
Other: Papertrey Ink (Plum Pudding vintage buttons) Twinery (baker's twine in honeydew)


  1. Um...I am searching for words to convey how blown away I am! How about Fan-flippin-tastic?! Those grape buttons with those sweet little twine vines are really and truly delicious!! Super Duper Uper Awesome!! So glad you shared with us at CAS-ual Fridays!!

  2. Wow this ia A-m-a-z-i-n-g, so creative, love it....what else can I say:)
    Jenny x

  3. Wow Amber... so original!!
    And thanks for explaining the twine cause I was looking at it for a while trying to figure it out before I scrolled down.. he he!

  4. This really is amazing Amber! So stunning and creative.

  5. Stunning! You are so creative Amber! Thanks for sharing such a fab idea!

  6. um, W-O-W! so clever and stunning! (ps. how heavy is that card? lol.) but seriously, great job - you continue to amaze me every time I come check out your blog!

  7. So coooool with the button-grape. Beautiful card

  8. This is amazing!!! So clever & creative - in awe :-)

  9. oooh, so so clever! Love love love it!

  10. Wow. You are SO brilliant. This card totally rocks. You have taken buttons and twine into the next universe! Such a perfect card, Amber.

  11. This is one amazing card. I just love it!

  12. O.M.G. Amber! You are seriously genuious and I LOVE this card. Great job girl, just awesome.

  13. Amber, you are awesome. I love that fabulous bunch of grapes and the twirly twine! I predict a winner!

  14. FABULOUS!!! I'm still in awe!!!

  15. All I have to say is, watch out Martha Stewart! There is a new crafty godess in town!

  16. I'm Speechless! Amazing idea! Love it!

  17. WOW!!! I don't know what else to say... WOW!

    **June K.**

  18. You are so brilliant Amber! I love it!

  19. OKAY, this is just over the top amazing! I smell a winner! Thanks for playing along with us at CAS-ual Fridays!

  20. Girl, you are a creative genious. I can't even stand it. Well done!

  21. Seriously??? This is pure genious!! Absolultely adore it and am stealing for a little piece for my lovely SIL! Thanks for the continual out-of-the-box inspiration! :o)

  22. Wacky? WACKY?!! Are you KIDDING ME?!! Girl, this is friggin' FANTASTIC!! Out of this world adorable and over the moon BRILLIANT! Got it?! LOL Thanks so much for playing with us at CAS-ual Fridays - I hope you'll join us EVERY week because your work just takes my breath away!!

  23. 'scuse me while I pick my jaw up off the floor. That's A-MAY-ZING!!!!!! You are so freaking creative!!!!!

  24. Oh my heck, that's adorable and freakin' genius at the same time! Love. It.

  25. Look at how creative you are! Love those buttons girl! And the twine is so fun! Thanks for playing along at CAS-ual Fridays!

  26. Seriously, Amber?! There are no words for how amazing this is. I think this one deserves to be framed or something- I cannot even imagine parting with a beauty like this! :)

  27. OH MY WOW!!! Holy frijoles!!! This is AMAZING!!! This is too freakin' creative! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this!!! Now to pick my jaw up off the floor… I agree with Paulina! You gotta frame this beauty!

  28. Every time I come here, I am over the moon amazed by your creativity.

  29. So cute! You are amazingly creative - what a darling project! :o)

  30. Wowie, wow, wow!!! What an amazing and clever use for buttons AND that twine. You win the award for most creative idea. Now, how to mail it? :) So glad you played along at CAS-ual Fridays this week!

  31. Seriously, this card should be displayed! Love it to bits!! So glad that you got to join the fun with us at CAS-ual Fridays! Hope to see more of your FAB work!

  32. jaw-dropping!!
    i just want to bite them :)

  33. OMG.....just a moment while I pick my jaw up off the floor! You have taken papercrafting to a whole new level! Absolutely gorgeous! This is beyong words - thank you for sharing! :)

  34. Oh my goodness! The sure-fire winner of this week's CAS challenge!! Gorgeous! (And delicious!)

  35. Stunning ... Beautiful ...and oh so creative!!!!

  36. I've never seen buttons used as creatively as this, absolutely FABULOUS and STUNNING!!!

  37. Oh my goodness...I have never seen anything so beautiful! This is simply stunning.

  38. GET OUT!! This is the most creative thing I may have ever seen!!

  39. Wow...that bunch of grapes is amazing!! I love this!!

  40. Truly incredible! Your genius strikes again!!! Love the way you used the twine.

  41. Oh my goodness you are so clever! I LOVE this card!

  42. OH WOW! Get out!!! This is just so utterly fabulous! Love it! This would be awesome framed for a home decor piece. AmAzInG :) Thanks for playing this week at CAS-ual Fridays!

  43. Oh my goodness this card is perfection!!
    Thanks for playing at CAS-ual Fridays!

  44. Amber, that's the cutest, most clever card I've seen on your blog, and I find myself constantly in love with your projects!

  45. Absolutely Brilliant! This couldn't have been more perfect. Rock on!

  46. This is absolutely fantastic!!! You rocked this challenge!!

  47. This is so fun and so adorable!! LOVE how you made the twine stems and those grapes are awesome! LOVE!!

  48. Congrats on being a VIP at the CAS-ual Fridays challenge, Amber! This project was freakin' amazing and so well deserving of the VIP title!!

  49. Welcome to the VIP club! Very deserving..this card is beyond amazing.

  50. Wow,Wow so clever and executed perfectly!

  51. AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH! I don't even know what else to say!

  52. Many congrats Amber. your project was over the top AWESOME!

  53. Amazing! What a fabulous idea and you nailed it!

  54. An absolutely perfect card in every way.Just beautiful

  55. I want to say that your card looks perfect ,Where are you getting this different styled idea's!!!!
    clear cards
    print loyalty card

  56. Your card is posted on it I agree with all the delightful comments;)
