Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I've Won Royalty!

I can finally share my exciting news  
(and if you know me, secret keeping is not my strong suit!)

I'm Royalty!!!

Now, if you've followed my blog for any amount of time, you know my penchant for telling long, rambling stories - with a hefty side of sarcasm.

So today, I will take this opportunity to do what I do best - tell a long, rambling story - with a hefty side of sarcasm

This one-time-only column is entitled:

Anatomy of a Royalty Win: 
The Story of a Stamping Contest Entry:
My Lesson on Why It's Important to Read the Directions
by: Amber D.

February 2011
At some point in February, I discovered the Paper Crafts Magazine Stamping Royalty Contest during my daily internetting. I briefly considered entering, but after seeing last year's winners (**cough* Maile Belles *cough*) - I figured there was no chance. 

March 1, 2011
With some encouragement from Andrew, I decided that I would enter. Nothing ventured, nothing gained right? 

March 1 - March 21, 2011
I toted my trusty sketchbook with me everywhere.. and I mean EVERYWHERE!. I sketched and jotted down ideas. I found inspiration around every corner. I knew I was obsessed when I decided to design a card based on Twitter...yes Twitter. In retrospect, a Twitter card may not have been the best idea...jury's still out on that.

(the following two days are critical to entering the Royalty Contest -  sleep is not an option) 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011 at 5:00pm
I returned home from work to begin my Royalty creations (a little last minute? um..yes!) My good friend Myra was in town, so she hung out with me while I created - and offered helpful feedback when needed!

I crafted well into the night. Making two or even three itterations of the same card - just to be sure things looked good.

I went to sleep at about 3am that night.  My stamping hand is useless after that and my judgement for design is pitiful - everything looks good at 3am (e.g. Twitter card). 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011 at 5:00pm
Back from work and back at it. If last night was an All-Nighter, I'm not sure what you'd call this - A "Hello Sunriser" perhaps?

I worked on more cards...I was slowly tackling my list of card ideas (P.S. I am the slowest crafter ever!)

Around 2:00am, I was done with my cards - all 10 of them. Done.


Still had to type out instructions/materials, print them out, adhere them to the cards, package the cards and address the box for shipping. This took about 2 hours (typing instructions is time consuming!). By this time Myra had was well on her way to Sleepytown, USA so I tried to keep my noise to a minimum. 

Thursday, March 24, 2011 at 9:00am: 
After way too little sleep, I walked across the street to the post office to send off my package to Paper Crafts Magazine. I paid a little extra for delivery confirmation - and I NEVER pay for delivery confirmation. You'd think I was mailing diamonds or something! 

Friday, March 25, 2011
It occurred to me - "I wonder if the entries into the Stamping Royalty Contest have to be STAMPED?" 

(considering my package was half way to Utah, this was a pretty in opportune time to have this epiphany)

Well, turned out that YES, they do need to be stamped - hence the whole STAMPING Royalty title!

Reading Directions is another one of those things I'm not so good at (right up there with efficiency and secret-keeping).

This sobering piece of news meant that about 7 of my 10 cards were ineligible to win. All hopes of winning were out the window. *FROWNY FACE*

Good thing they'd be donated to a great organization: Operation Write Home *SMILEY FACE*

Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 6:20pm
On the phone with Andrew...

Me: Emails for Royalty are going out today. (This poor man knows waaaay more about crafting than he'd like so he knew exactly what I was talking about)
Andrew: So, you should be getting one soon!
Me: Nope. Don't think so. Most of mine were ineligible.

6 minutes later!!
Received the MOST EXCITING EMAIL from P. Kelly Smith at Paper Crafts Magazine. 


Screamed some more.

Stopped screaming because the neighbors might think I'm being murdered. 

Thursday, April 7, 2011
Read email again.

Friday, April 8, 2011
Read email again. 

Saturday, April 9, 2011
Read email again.

You get the idea.

So that bring us to today when I get to share this exciting news - and believe me - 

Thanks for reading through all of my ramblings...my next post will be shorter...I promise;-)

Congratulations to all the Royalty winners who've been announced as well as those winners who will be announced in the coming days!

Come back on Friday for the Stamping Royalty Reject Blog Hop!!!
(hopefully there are a few peeps who took photos of their entries before sending them off!)


  1. Amber, I so enjoy reading your blog. It does bring a few smiles to my face. I am so darn happy for you!!! You really are talented and I'm glad you'll be wearing the crown. Hey, I totally understand about the 'stamping' issue...meaning...been there, done that! So, enjoy your win and can't wait to see the Stamping Royalty reject blog.

  2. Eeeeeeek! I am so excited for you, Amber!!! You SO deserve this- you are definitely stamping royalty in my book! :)

  3. Congratulations Amber!!! I will come back on Friday :)

  4. Hi there!! I'm a new follower and of ROYALTY at that. :) Congratulations on your new win and can't wait to see the cards you entered. You DID take a pic?? Right?? Oh.. btw.. you are a HOOT!! I can SOOO see me doing the exact same thing!!! LOVED IT!!


  5. CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR ROYALTY!!!! I can tell you are extremely excited, and I WOULD BE TOO! Can't wait to see your creation in the mag. Your story is pretty hilarious...thanks for bringing me some entertainment today, lol!!

  6. Congratulations! Can't wait to eventually see your card!

  7. I have been lurking your blog for awhile - your creations are just stunning, and I know you definitely deserve your title. Congratulations! I love love LOVE your account of how it all came together for you - I am so glad all that sleep deprivation paid off!!!

  8. SO, so exciting Amber, and much deserved for sure. Congratulations girl!

  9. Congrats Amber!! I've really enjoyed reading your story. And your royalty title is well deserved!

  10. I'm so excited for you! I remember FB'ing back & forth that day and half of mine were out of the running too! LOL I'm so glad you made it thru!!! Maybe next year for me. :D

  11. Congrats Amber, that is just fabulous!!

  12. Congratulations! I can so relate to your entry process!

  13. Amber, such a fun post.... thoroughly enjoyed reading about your creative process.... Congrats to you. Enjoy your day.

  14. Congrats, Amber! Loved reading the timeline!

  15. Congrats Amber! I'm sure your card must be rocking!

  16. Amber!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I knew I was going to see your name in lights this week! I'm so happy for you and so proud of you! I loved reading the story of how it all happened. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!

  17. Congratulations, Amber! So fun to read your story - those late nights paid off!

  18. Oh my, we have so much in common! I chuckled reading your tale of entry. Some people just work better at the last minute. And the reading part . . . I still read over things and miss information! Time is the cure for that I guess. Anyway. . .congratulations from a past royal!

  19. So happy for you, Amber! Congratulations on the big win, and for all your hard work on creating blog hops for our rejects.

  20. You are so cute! I love your posts. So excited for you... You do beautiful work, so it's no surprise that you won! :) Congratulations girlie!

  21. Congrats, and I'm totally there for the Reject Hop! I'll have 3 duds to share :)

  22. I wasn't surprised in the LEAST! I only found your blog recently but I follow it faithfully because your projects are FAB!!! I love your ingenuity and style!
    Congrats again!!

  23. Congratulations, Amber!!! I loved reading your story -- not too long at all. Very cute!
    I am so excited for you!

  24. Such wonderful news - Congratulations to you!!! Loved reading your story - it makes me doubly happy for you.

  25. Congratulations!!! So excited for you!

  26. HOHOHOHO Amber you are a scream. You make me laugh so hard..... thank you girly. This really um, made my morning :o) CONGRATULATIONS!!! you are fabulous, and I always knew it (i still do)

  27. Way to go girl, how exciting! I'm sure all your creations were fabulous.

  28. Congratulations Amber! Love it when a story has a happy ending.

  29. I must say, I am not surprised! Everything you make is gorgeous! Congratulations!!

  30. I am so happy for you!! Congrats girl! Super excited to be sharing the catagory with you and Cristina!

  31. WooHoo!!! Huge congratulations!! Love your little timeline too...gave me a giggle! :o)

  32. So excited for you Amber! I know how hard that you have been working to get your publishing due! I am not surprised one bit that you went STRAIGHT to the ROYALTY LINE! Congratulations!

  33. Haaaaaaaaaaaaay! Alright girl! You deserve it. You've got skills! Bask in your Royalty glow! :)

  34. LOL! I enjoy so much your ramblings!! Congratulations on winning... you deserve it. Maybe next year I send some cards just to be a part of the rejection blog hop LOL!

  35. This was such a fun post to read! Congratulations to you!! I am sure that all of your cards are spectacular!
