Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Earth Day!

I'm here today to join in with the Clear and Simple Stamps celebration of Earth Day!

As a papecrafter - I certainly use my fair share of paper's kind of necessary.

Outside of paper crafting, I have many ways of being an eco-friendly citizen:

Naps: I love to take naps! As a matter of fact - my motto is "A Day Without a Nap is Crap!" - taking naps means that I turn off the lights...and turning off the lights means less electricity usage!

Driving: I hate driving. I'm waiting for the day when I come into lots and lots of money. I plan to purchase the cheapest car I can find and use the rest of the money for a lifetime of chauffeur services. Until then, I'm a big fan of public transportation. I take the train to work each day and haven't purchased gas for my car in over a month. How's that for going green!

Chores: I also hate chores. Especially doing laundry and the dishes. By avoiding these chores, I save tons of water. Just doing my part.

As for papercrafting, I think there are lots of way to be creative and "eco-chic" at the same time!

With these tips in mind, I crafted two cards using paper scraps - which I always save, for projects just like this!

First up is a card featuring the cover of the Bloomingdale's 2010 Holiday catalog. I saved it,  knowing that I would recycle many of it's pages into cards.

When using the glossy pages of magazines, add vellum to cover the paper. This will mute the glossiness, which might otherwise detract from the project.

For my second project, I challenged myself to create a paper mosaic using scraps from my scrap paper pile. I've wanted to do this for a while - so I can finally cross it off my list!

Here are individual photos of the final projects:


 Thanks for stopping by for some Damask Love!

Have a Happy Earth Day filled with many electricity-saving naps!


  1. Hi Amber,

    I love your work!
    I also sent you an e-mail few days ago, and I'll be happy if you can reply to me.

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful stuff


  2. Awesome! The paper mosaic must have taken some serious patience, but well worth it, I say!

    I like the idea of adding Velum to the mag ad... it looks awesome!

    I think you're right on with all those green tips... I mean, really, if not doing laundry saves the planet, I am all over it. And if a nap is good for Mother Earth, then I am really not doing my part by staying awake every afternoon, right?

  3. Great post! I second your comments on chores! Love your cards too - great work. I have a card soon to be posted for Earth Day... have a good one!

  4. a day without a nap is crap = instant classic. The whole post-intro is hilarious! And I love your mosaic card - so pretty... but please tell me you had really glue-y fingers after all those little pieces went down... or am I the only super-messy crafter around ;)

  5. LOVE your nap mantra! So funny Amber! I will definitly have to do my part for the planet by not doing chores either! Great advice, LOL! Your cards are fantastic! LOVE the magazine cover idea and the mosaic hearts is lovely!

  6. Nice post and love the cards. Very pretty!

  7. Ooooh...I love the mosaic heart. It is so gorgeous!!! Thanks for bringing a smile to my morning. :)

  8. You are amazing! Eco-friendly and chic! GONE Amber!

  9. I love your saving water tip!

    Your cards are beautiful! I love the mosaic - how in the world did you get it to be such a perfect shape?

  10. OMG, you crack me up!!! Love your eco-tips on how you are helping the environment. The cards are fabulous- I love using magazines in my cards when I think about it.

  11. What stunning ideas and projects!! I don't think I'd ever have the patience for a scrap mosaic like that but I will def keep it in my arsenal of ideas to try!

  12. The mosaic card is unbelievable!!! I LOVE IT! What a great idea. I also really like your idea about covering a magazine page with vellum - it looks awesome on your card. Your eco-tips are inspirational :-)) I will now feel better about my daily "naps"....HA!
