Monday, September 17, 2012

My blog. My Home. My Hood.

Recently, I've been giving lots of thought to DamaskLove and how I can make it better. I came to a conclusion: Miami is my home...but so is this blog.

...not totally sure if it's acceptable to think of your blog as a home but for me, this metaphor couldn't be more true.

I try to keep things neat and tidy here, so that guests will feel welcome when they come over for a visit. Every once in a while, I do a little reorganizing to make things easier to find and nothing makes me happier than when someone "comments" about how much she enjoys coming over to my "house."

Just like any home, DamaskLove is part of a bigger 'hood - where all of my other blog friends live.  Sadly, for the last few years, I haven't been the best neighbor. You know - the one that pulls into the garage and closes it before she even get out of the car. The neighbor  you suspect might be burying bodies in the backyard or something...that's me.

Part of my seclusion is purely due to an insane, busy life that includes an inbox that I can't keep clean, a pretty demanding 9-5, the world's worse case of seasonal allergies and of course all the other mundane tasks of life (since when did we decide that dinner needs to happen EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT?)

Part is because I worry about being overly influenced by other people's creations and inadvertently "copying" them.

The other reason that I'm such a bad blog neighbor is because, well...(confession alert)...sometimes when you go over other peoples' houses, you're reminded how completely un-awesome your own place is and all the really cool things you could be doing to make your house better.

So here I am, spilling my guts to you - but for a good reason! I've decided it's time to get this house in order and do some serious renovation. In real life, I've never been one for major home improvement, but when it comes to DamaskLove - I'm stripping this thing down to the beams and with the help of my general contractors (i.e. graphic & web designers) DamaskLove is getting a new look with lots of curb appeal!

Now - don't be scared! I'm not gonna go all rogue on you and start blogging about raising chickens (and yes...such blogs to exist...just Google it) but I am gonna be a better blogger and a better neighbor. After all - that's what this whole thing is about... inspiring others and being inspired by others, right?! And the truth is, the more I browse other fabulous blogs, the more likely I am to come up with creative and original ideas.

I'm keeping the foundation of DamaskLove the same - because I truly believe the foundation is solid. Sharing my exciting for crafting is really my passion!

Starting in the next few weeks, I'll be sharing bits and pieces of the new look and vision of the renovated DamaskLove. For now though, I'm hoping you'll help out with the reno work.

I've made a little survey that will give me a better idea of what you'd like to see more of and less of...the things that you particularly enjoy about blogs and the things that you sorta hate.  It shouldn't take long to complete and I'd LOVE to get your feedback!

Thanks for hanging in there with me through this journey and I hope you'll stick around a while longer to see how things unfold!


  1. Did the survey Amber. I love your blog and miss you when you dont post.
    I chalked it up to you being a newly wed and having a full time job. I will take what you can give. Thank you for asking

  2. Hey Barbara! Thanks for doing the survey - it's much appreciated! As for my posting - brace yourself because I have a TON of projects on the backburner right now that I can't wait to share. Soon as the new site is done - I'll be back in full force!

  3. I have been a bad neighbor as well. (I hear ya on the worrying about casing item too) We can't do it all, and it's ok sometimes to let a few things go! good luck with your renovations!

  4. In your analogy, I'm an interior designer with horribly outdated and cluttered house! Yikes. I guess we could all use a little sprucing up.

    I'm so glad to see you're taking a look at the bigger picture and giving your blog a little love. Best of luck with your renovations!

  5. Cool post...can't wait to see what changes you make around here...not that I think is needed but I am one to love always amazes me how small chages can make a big difference.

  6. I think you're hard on yourself, my friend... we all gain inspiration from others, and just because you incorporate an idea you saw somewhere else into your own projects does not make you a copy-cat. It makes you a crafter!

    You ARE innovative, you ARE clever, and you ARE great at what you do!! Your blog is lovely as is, so anything you 'improve' is just going to be icing on an already delicious cake!

    And I can't wait to see what you're cookin' up!

    I did fill in your survey for you! :)

  7. I completed the survey and found it interesting and thoughtful.'
    I should have noted my strong dislike of word verification. I like to leave well deserved comments but prove I'm not a robot???? Are these people overwhelmed with traffic????

  8. I love your blog the way it is and I am also looking forward to your renovations. I can't imagine it getting better, but I bet we'll all be amazed. I did complete your survey.

  9. I completed your survey. Thank you for asking. I love your blog as is but I realize we often must make changes for whatever reason. I look forward to the new changes and projects. I will be here patiently waiting before and after the renovations as I absolutely love all of your projects and truly find them original and inspiring. Thank you so much for sharing.

  10. I love your blog! Cant wait to see the changes you have in store.

  11. I love that your are redoing your blog with the possibility of including more projects besides paper crafting!
