Friday, January 27, 2012

Do-Over Blog Hop Reminder

Hey there blog friends!

I hope you don't mind that I had to take a break from my do-over projects! I've been knee deep in wedding prep for the last couple of days - making invitations and all sorts of other projects. Our wedding planner has banned me from doing any projects after March 1st, which means I need to get crackin!

I'll be back next week with more do-overs, so I hope you'll come back to see!

Until then, don't forget about the Do-Over Blog Hop! I'd love to see your fresh, new take on those old projects. Add your project to the linky below and next week, I'll select three participants to receive a few fun prize packages!

Thanks for stopping by - see you soon!


  1. Hi Amber! Wow, sounds like busy and swamped are an understatement in your life right now. Post pictures of your wedding invites! You're making them yourself?? And CONGRATS!!! (:

  2. I wanted to play too, I linked my PTI card-- hope that was okay. Not sure it was a re-do though, as much as a CASE of myself!

    I bet your invited are awesome! Can't wait to see them~

  3. Hi Amber. I've been following your blog from PTI, for a few months now. Your projects are all AWESOME! Your wedding will be a big event with all those little master pieces you are working on.

    These tea spoons are so cute, and your project made them look even better. I wish I'm lucky enough to win a set!!!
